Trailer Park Heart by Rachel HigginsonRuby grew up in a trailer park in small town Nebraska. Ruby decides before she blows her small town forever that she will finally, recklessly lose her virginity to the town golden boy, Logan, she has been crushing on forever. Logan goes to war, she winds up pregnant and stays in her trailer to raise her son Max. Levi, Logan’s brother and Ruby’s childhood nemesis, comes back to town seven years later, surprised to see Ruby waiting tables at the local diner. Their childhood teasing turns into pent up passion, but a secret could tear them apart.

This book was confusing. There were parts I enjoyed a lot and others that frustrated my to no end. I bounced between 2-4 hearts and because of that I will give it three. I wanted to enjoy this book more. The writing was very well done and entertaining to read. I loved Levi a lot. I just really struggled with Ruby. She was insanely judgemental of everyone else her whole life, while blaming them for how they judged and treated her. This got very repetitive and didn’t allow me to like her a whole lot. She starts to get better towards the end, but honestly I don’t feel like she ever really learned her lesson. Maybe a bit in the last 20-40 pages or so, but not enough to make up for how irritating I found her for the rest of the book.

I also wish I could have gotten to know more of Levi. I wonder if I would have enjoyed it more if it was a dual POV, but since it wasn’t we shall never know. One part about this book that I truly appreciated was how Levi always just knew Ruby. She could lie to everyone else, including herself, and yet he knew the truth every time. There is something magical about that. I will say the one thing I did like about Ruby was that she was a good mom to Max and trying to do what she felt was right (even if part of it was due to fear, which I do understand).


Hearts: ❤️❤️❤️


Favorite Quote: “ ‘You can fool them,’ he rasped, his breath as broken and ragged as mine. ‘They all see what you want them to see. They let you get away with whatever you want. They don’t know any better. But you can’t hide from me, Ruby. I see you.’ ”